5 Must Ask Questions When Hiring A School Prom Photo Booth

5 Must Ask Questions When Hiring A School Prom Photo Booth

With up to 95% of UK schools now organising sophisticated events to mark the end of the final term for year 11′s (15 to 16 year olds) and year 13′s (17 to 18) and with the average spend per student in the region of £244 it is vital that the organisers of the school prom make it an unforgettable experience.

Many proms now include the hire of a school prom photo booth and with the expectations of students rising year on year it is vital to get the attention to detail absolutely spot on.

In this article I will give you the top 5 questions you must ask your provider when looking to hire a school prom photo booth.

1. Size of Your School Prom Photo Booth

Most students are a gregarious lot at parties and the school prom is no exception, from arriving at the prom in group limos to congregating outside in small groups they will without doubt want to crowd in into the photo booth. You must therefore ask you supplier how big the school prom photo booth is and how many people it will hold, safely.

The average school prom photo booth is an oval shape and will hold a max of 6-8 students. However there are other shape booths on the market i.e TheBullet Booth which with their shape maximise the internal space and will safely hold 8-10 students.

2. Strength of Your Booth

It is not surprising that the school prom see students get quite excitable. It is after-all one of those once in a lifetime experiences and one in which many will want to impress. So linked very closely to the size of the booth you will also need to ensure the it is built from the right materials and sturdy enough to hold groups of excitable youngsters.

Most booths are made from aluminium sections and panels which are light enough to be transported yet sturdy enough to contain groups of party goers. However there are some aluminum frames that are more sturdy than others as this study highlights.

With many proms being held in local hotels or attractions it is also important to ensure that the  photo booth you hire for the school prom complies to their fire safety requirements. Avoid any booths that are made or contain materials such as MDF. Also ensure the curtains are made of a fire resistant material.

3. Social Media Capability

It will come as no surprise that the students love the fact that some school prom photo booths can post the photos directly to Facebook from where they can share and tag the photos they appear in. It is therefore important to ask your booth provider about their social media capabilities and whether a live facebook upload is possible.

Also remember to ask you venue if an internet connection is possible either via a wired ethernet link or via WiFi.

4. Fun Props

A big part of the school prom is about dressing up and this extends to the fun of the photo booth. Ask your booth supplier if they include free fun props for your students to wear in the booth. The type of props would normally include hats, masks, feather boa’s and wigs.

The latest development in fun props is also the availability of fun digital props where you can specify in advance the type of props you want, including your own text or themed props. Its worth asking your supplier if these are available for your prom.

5. Photo Backgrounds

With all the time and effort that goes into organising a school prom you will want to make sure that the photo’s your students get will form a lasting memory of not only the event itself but also of the time at your establishment. With most photo booths you will have a choice of either a plain background in the booth or digital backgrounds in front of which your students can appear.

Its also not rocket science as to which option they prefer. Again if your prom is themed in anyway it will also allow you to include such themed backgrounds or even a picture of the school. Simply ask you supplier if you can have green screen backgrounds and agree with them in advance the images that will be included for your pupils to choose from.

I hope this article has given you some useful information and thoughts on questions to ask when hiring your next school prom photo booth. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.